Monday, January 18, 2010

We've moved

We have moved to a new website. We would love for you to check it out.

 Love Beka,Chris and Finley

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

39 Week Visit= Finley Cole Harker

Now for the catching up..... I went for my 39 week visit on Novemeber 23 and my BP was slightly elevated still so my CNM decided to check me and see how far dilated I was to see if I was favorable for labor at this point. When she checked I was 3cm, which is "favorable" and decided at this point we should probably admit me to the hospital and have a baby!!!! She let me go home, take a shower, eat, get my bags and wait for Chris to get home from work and then go to the hospital. By the time I got all of that done, I checked into the hospital around 5pm. They monitored me in Maternity Admissions and drew lab work and all that good stuff and finally it was time to go to Birthing Suites. My friend Melissa was going to be my nurse until my friend Nicole on night shift got there at 7pm. They let me pick my room, which I picked 162 because it is big and has a walk in shower... Special treatment #1. When I got to L&D I was greeted by so many smiling faces of co-workers and friends wishing me luck and  got lots of great hugs!!!
  Once I was admitted, all the paperwork done, and settled in Tanya CNM came by to see me and placed a Cytotec beside the cervix which helps soften the cevix and get it ready for labor. This medicine makes you cramp... and that I did. I only needed 1 dose of this which is good, lots of times people usually get at least 2 doses, but I was contracting away! I progressed slowly at the beginning, I was dilating a 1/2-1 cm a hour. Tanya came and broke my water at 12:42am and then is was on... The Contractions started  picking up and I was starting to hurt. I had a lot of fluid, and it was very uncomfortable after that.  My friend Nicole who was taking care of me, suggested a epidural around 4:30am and I think I got it at a perfect time. After the epidural I was able to rest and get ready for the hard part. My mom and dad came back around 7am and Chris of course was still there and we were able to talk about when mom was in the hospital having me and the girls, and just enjoy each other. Melissa my friend was back to care for me that morning and she brought her camera to take pictures of him after he was born... she does an amazing job! Tanya came back to see me and Dr. Taavon and I was 7 cm dilated around 9am. Tanya told me that we would have a baby around lunch time.  At this point I was feeling a lot of pressure in my bottom and I kept feeling I needed to push, but it wasn't time yet! Labor nurses like to have their patients "Labor Down" which means once someone is completely dilated to 10cm, you allow the body to push the baby down and it allows mom less pushing and also is easier on her body... Not to mention less work for the nurse too! I had told Melissa I wanted to labor down, I wasnt wanting to push for hours and she was happy about that. well...  Around 12:20pm I was feeling so much pressure I could hardly sit still. She checked me and I was 10cm and she said lets push, He is right there!
I started pushing at 12:20 and Finley Cole Harker was born at 12:41pm Novemeber 24, 2009. It was AMAZING!!!! I cried, Chris cried, Mom cried, Hannah Cried... Everyone even the nurses and Tanya had tears, It was Beautiful!

 He weighed 7lbs 10oz, he was 20 and 1/2 inches long and a headful of brown hair. He was Perfect! Everything went perfect and better than I ever expected. Chris surprised me with Diamond earings after he was born and I cried some more. I can honestly say, I was in love instantly! We had to stay in the hospital 2 days, and we were discharged on Thanksgiving Day! Just in time to go to grannys for Lunch! We are so happy and each day we look into his beutiful eyes and  are just in amazement of how Great our God is and How can you not believe in God! The miracle of Life is more than I can even imagine! Thank you Lord for Finley Cole Harker!

Just the 2 of us!

Finley Cole

So happy!

7lbs 10oz..... Big Boy!

The outfit my friend Miranda put him in after his bath!

Proud Daddy!

Sweet Face

  Going Home!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

38 weeks...Full of Great Things!

So I am 38 weeks now...Wow It is almost here! I had a Ultrasound and visit with my doctor on Tuesday to follow-up from the hospital visit last friday. All of my labs came back normal, my BP was back down. They did a Ultrasound on me as well and he is growing right on track, Just the right size around 7lbs 2oz now. I feel sooo much better this week than I did last week.. Of course I am still tired, but I have no more  horrible headache which makes me happy! I go back to the doctor on Monday for a routine check and to see if this little boy is going to come out before Thanksgiving! I am crossing my fingers!! My feet are now continusouly swollen, even after sitting on the couch and resting, SO.. No hope for them! I went and got my toes done this past week and the little nails guy insisted that I get my toes painted blue for the baby! Lets just say they now are fat AND look like they have lost all circulation due to the polish color.
  The girls at work gave me a baby shower last night at work and it was soo much fun. We worked and ate all night. The food was good, the laughs were Fun and the Friends I have there are wonderful! I got some really cute gifts, lots of sleepers, some outfits, cute little Christmas bibs, some bath toys and a cute little robe for him! I enjoyed this shower and really am very fortunate to work with such a great group of Girls and LOVE WHAT I DO!!!!

We can still see that Cute Nose!

Me and my friend Leigh Anne!

Me and Some of the Girls... Some of them were actually Working!

My Yummy cake.. It had Strawberry Filling!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Maternity Pictures!

We had some maternity pictures taken when I was around 33 weeks  pregnant at the Bicentenial Gardens in Greensboro. We thought they would be nice to have later down the road, looking back to this special time in our lives. A friend of a friend took these pictures and did a wonderful job! Chris and I had fun during this session, It was sooo cold that day, my belly was freezing, but we made the best of it! 3 years ago around the same time these  pics were taken, we had our engagment pictures taken there!  We have so many great memories there!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday the 13th!!!!!

I had my routine appointment, my 37 week appointment, Friday afternoon and had woke up with a headache that morning around 1am. I had tried everything cold rags, dark roon, Tylenol, caffeine... Nothing was working. At my appointment they took my BP and it was elevated, so she wanted to send me over to the hospital to run some labs, monitor the little (Big) guy and give me some medicine to help with the headache and bring my BP down. When I got there it was so weird checking into the hospital and laying there being the patient. I continuously watched the monitor, and could not get my head out of "Nurse mode" and just be the Patient. Anyways... After a little while of being there, fluids, dark room, a shot of medicine that burned "horribly" going in, and monitoring, they called my doctor and she gave me orders to stay out of work on Monday and rest, come to office for Ultrasound, monitoring, and more labs on Tuesday... They sent me home. All I kept telling Chris is that I didn't want her to admit me and I didn't want to deliver on "Friday The 13th". I feel much better today and hope all will go well on Tuesday. I really would like to hold him in a little longer and be able to enjoy my work shower on Wednesday! I guess I have no choice in that matter! Oh yes... And I officially have Cankles!!!! Yikes, it is time for him to come!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

36 Weeks and Counting!!!

We had our 36 week visit this past Wednesday. The visit was pretty routine this visit. I am measuring 2 weeks ahead now, He has dropped a little lower into the pelvis, my Doctor said which is good at this point. They also gave me the good news that I am already 1centimeter dilated already, Yeah!!! She is saying that I will probably go between 37-38 weeks!  When she was listening to his heart rate this time, I was complaining about my belly button wanting to poke out now... She said that means the "Turkey is Done"!!! So hopefully this little turkey will be done before Thanksgiving ( I am supposed to work this thanksgiving too)! 
  He is now I think, " running out of room".  He is sticking his feet and arms up under my ribs, which really doesn't feel too pleasant at times. Sometimes I have to sit down and press on his little feet to dislodge them from my ribs! Ouch!!  I am still having contractions daily, nothing regular but some of them are actually getting a little on the painful side. I am not liking those too much.They are musch stronnger when I am at work.. Why is that???  I am definately tired at this point, but I can't say that I am  ready for this experience to be over with. Sounds kinda crazy coming from a 8 month pregnant person, but I can honestly say that I have had a wonderful pregnancy and have enjoyed it!  I have been blessed beyond measure! Now I might be changing my mind next week, but for now,  the discomforts, aches, stretch marks and all the other beauties of pregnancy have not made me "wish by" this wonderful experience of my life!
We Have chose a name, however Chris and I  have decided to keep it as a surprise for when he arrives. I have been asked so many times if it is hard to keep it a secret, and I don't really think its been that hard. Sooo many people want me to tell them the first letter, or some people say " Just tell me, I won't tell anyone." Ummm.... No!  I cant tell one person and keep it from everyone else. So no one knows but Chris and I. My mom has named him Baby George, Pat has named him Oliver, and one of my friends just named him Baby Harker! But he does really have a name and  not too much longer and everyone will Know!
 I go back to the doctor this week and will continue weekly visits until he arrives! I started packing my bags this week. I dont have much in them yet, which is worrying me, but everyone tells me I dont need to pack alot to have a baby! Well, anyone that knows me, knows that when I pack to go anywhere, I pack a little on the heavy side! I am always worried I might forget something, so I am reading the books and asking different people " What should I pack?" I am getting lots of different "must haves" from people. I WILL have a full bag by the time I go in! Now I am trying to get Chris to pull his bag out!

Friday, October 30, 2009

34 Weeks

This past week we had our 34 week visit, and we also had a Ultrasound to see how much he is weighing and check the fluid level around him. Everything went well at this appointment, not too much weight gain at this visit, BP is still looking good. I am now having Contractions on a daily basis, usually starting around 5:00 am mostly while I am working. The girls at work tell me thats when I am going to go into labor! My hands are still swelling, I am down to 1 ring on my finger, and I am not sure how much longer that one will last.
  Chris wasnt able to make the ultrasound this time, so mom went with me. He was very active during the Ultrasound, He would hardly let the sonographer scan me, He kept moving oppposite of what she wanted. Fluid level looked good, he is still head down, and he is weighing 5lbs 13oz at 34 weeks! Big BOY!!! My doctor told me that she doesnt see me going to my due date, because of his size. Which at this point I am fine with, I am starting to get a little tired!
 At my next visit at 36 weeks they will do a test for Group B Strep wich is done on all pregnant patients, and once that result somes back she said she will start making a plan! Kinda Scary!!! I will post the Ultrasound pics, but they are really bad, the sonographer did not do very good, My 30 week pics are better than these. At 36 weeks I start going  to the doctor every week until delivery!